January 2008
No work done on either vehicle again this month, the house move took up most of my time, so heres a few pics of the van being moved a few hundred miles up north to a nice warm barn.

February 2008
a few pics of the mess shortly after moving house

March 2008
First bit of 'work' done at the new garage - fitted a much less rusty door. The door was a local ebay find, from a '78, and fits remakably well.

April 2008
No MG news, but heres a few pics of my 'cam belt impaired' Rover after I'd stripped it of useful bits. My 'new' daily driver can be seen in the background :)

May 2008
no update, just some pics taken using my phone.

June 2008
Moved the battery tray to the boot to allow me to fit a 'modern' battery.

July 2008
New brake lines

July 2008 part 2
Popped up north to visit my van and check it over.

August 2008
just checking panel gaps, not too shabby.

September 2008
car boot find

October 2008
sticker placement

November 2008
not a lot

December 2008
nothing much has happened recently, just tidied up :)